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The Centre is designed to run executive and degree courses in the following three programme areas that will eventually evolve to become departments.
• Procurement Management
• Environmental Standards
• Social Standards
Track A and B participants from public/private sectors will bring in case studies for research & development; experience and knowledge that can be used for AI for process improvement. Tracks C - E will give opportunities for young minds with ICT skills that will bring innovation into procurement processes similar to what the banks and telecom sectors are enjoying today

Get ready for a Career

Each of the three programmes, Procurement Management (PM), Environmental Standards (ES) and Social Standards (SS) will offer the five tracks (A - E)
• Track A has executive short courses (5 days)
• Track B has the advanced certificate courses (6 - 9 months)
• Track C the postgraduate diploma programme (12 months),
• Track D is the Master’s degree programme (18 months),
• Track E is the first degree, B.Sc. (4 years)

Earn a Certificate

Each of the three programmes, Procurement Management (PM), Environmental Standards (ES) and Social Standards (SS) offers various levels of certificates depending on the track of choice. They include regular one of certificates, advance certificates, diploma, degree and higher degree certificates.


The Centre is designed to run executive short and degree courses in the following three programme areas that will eventually evolve to become departments. Each of the three programmes, Procurement Management (PM), Environmental Standards (ES) and Social Standards (SS) will offer the five tracks (A - E) explained as follows:=

Track A

has executive and short courses (1 – 3 weeks) designed to enhance the skill sets of managers, supervisors, procurement officers and safety professionals from the public service, private sector and civil society organizations as well as graduates and the unemployed who may be interested.

Track B

has the advanced certificate courses (9 months) for middle level and technical personnel who require a deeper knowledge to improve efficiency at work to enable them function effectively in their various public and private organizations. Track B is based on successful completion of specified Track A modules

Track C

he postgraduate diploma programme (12 months), is designed to target individuals with a university degree or HND in any of the related fields who require the knowledge to enhance their productivity at work.

Track D

is the Master’s degree programme (18 months), designed to provide graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills set to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring in their chosen specialization. This track provides for two types of degrees namely, the award of a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Professional Studies (MPS). Candidate for both degrees must have a B.Sc. or post-graduate diploma. The M.Sc. candidates will need to prepare and defend a graduation dissertation (6 credits) while the Professional Masters’ candidates will need only to present a long essay (6 credits also but without oral defense).

Track E

is the first degree, B.Sc. (4 years) in Procurement Management, Environmental Standards and Social Standards respectively.

The Center runs executive short and degree course in B.SC, PGD, M.SC & MPS.

The profile of the degree programmes are as follows:

  • Procurement Management B.Sc.; PGD; M.Sc MPS.
  • Enviromental Standards B.Sc; PGD; M.Sc. MPS.
  • Social Standards B.Sc; PGD; M.Sc. MPS.